We are looking into it but at this point i think they will only show in Grifball. It may be due to the fact that they make them show for the...
A while back i discovered a little trick in the Grifball variant where you could set a Hill Marker to Neutral and set the Label to grif_goal. This...
Sidewinder is 90% complete. Just going back to Halo CE to figure out the spawns and objectives. I will likely make/find custom H:CE variants...
Not sure if this was mentioned (too busy forging to read 9 pages). You can forge within the islands and use the natural floor as an invisible...
You could also post it here.
Playlist is up!
No problem MrGreenWithAGun, we have to work within the framework we have been given. Not all cases will be ideal. Yes, we are. Come join us and...
Holy crap guys lighten up. Do you think that the above concerns we not addressed? They (sustain team) are fully aware that the small maps will...
Read my earlier post. The playlist is 4v4 so a few of the doubles maps may be a tight fit. There is no 'fail' here. If your map can sustain a...
Next Monday.
I believe only one of the smaller maps will use CTF and the rest will use Slayer and/or SWAT. The CTF map is designed in such a way that 4 players...
Some of the potential 2v2 maps will be in the first and second rotation in order to prime them for the upcoming 2v2 playlist. In all cases maps...
Not so much like framerate or disco problems. You can keep all of your original items. If you set enough of them to a 2 second delayed spawn...
This is not new to Halo 4. It is a Host issue and was present in both Halo 3 and Reach. The shifting issue has been well documented here and...
Laskan made him change the name. Look for Rasu. … The DLC requirement was a temporary glitch. You can go into the playlist without the maps but...
Since i have experience forging Grifball courts for Machinima (i did the courts for Rooster Teeth's 3 grifball series) i will give you a cool tip....
I figured out how to make pixel perfect floors using Coliseum Walls. There is no nudging or micro bumping required and you can use an unlimited...
Don't get me wrong, i love this map and was going to consider submitting it to the Community Cartographers. Unfortunately it did not perform well...
Hey emilio30, you should ask to un-sticky this thread since it is now closed for submissions.