wow, that is some of the most intricate design I have seen. Kudos on that for sure. I would echo the concerns of others that framerate seems...
glad to see this finally released! (I thought it already was??) I've played several matches with friends on splitscreen and 1v1 works great...
maybe you couldn't have done this any other way... IDK but I really think that grid throws the whole thing off. I would just let people fly off...
at first glance this looks decent. you've managed to build UNSC pieces into the forerunner structure and not have it clash as bad as it naturally...
nice! They look all creepy and stuff, just like real birds IMO. If used sparingly in real maps, framerate should be okay. Good luck and...
Lando Calrisian: "a little bit higher.... just a little bit higher" Han Solo: "my vision must be improving, because instead of a big dark blur...
I do not believe that you can do this unless you have a Gold membership which is current. Don't think it shows you which files are being...
wow, what keeps amazing me is not just how good your levels look but how quickly you can come up with a concept and execute it. I'm still...
the fact that the colluseum window now costs 150 budget is an indication they were trying to tweek things a little for framerate. Creating walls...
save like your life depends on it. backups don't hurt either.
in honor of Easter... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
actually, nevermind. I took another look and it turns out I broke the lighting on this impact map. not the kind of broken lighting where it...
hey has anyone noticed that this update has changed any lighting on other forge locations? i have a map brewing on impact where some pieces are...
Starship Ghost, I THINK what Shoe is referring to is that they are smoother when you walk on them. And so in that respect it is nice to have the...
haha... well thanks for the technical explanation. I agree it is very difficult, but I really have to wonder why almost the entire rock doesn't...
I haven't seen this mentioned before, so in case it isn't already known, the seastack rocks (at least on Impact) have a horrible ability to block...
it looks like an interesting interpretation or re-imagining of foundation, so that's good. It's not exactly the same as original, but there's...
that is what I like to do... always provide a warning that a hard kill is beyond the soft kill. The player may not be happy they died, but the...
to be clear, I'm not talking about making it cover less of the trench, but bring down the height of the volumes so that the player's head and...
lol, I think you read my first sentence wrong... emphasis on which word changes its meaning... "I thought that's what he DID on that map" vs "I...