Yep, Destiny is what I'm most excited for.
Yeah I don't really mind having three separate maps at all if it helps lower chances of FR. I just wish we'd get something akin to the mid-level...
6 months? Dayummmm. That is some serious testing/forging. You guys always make great puzzle maps so I have faith.
Who is the dude in your avatar?
Yeah, pretty much this. DMR's are gonna run rampant on this map, and people will just camp in the most powerful structures (parking garage?). I...
Well Frankie literally said "there are a ton of things we wish we'd done better."
Yeah dominion is great for little mechanics like these. Another thing I came across awhile ago is that you can use dominion turrets to trigger...
I don't really see a big deal if you made it for your own use, but to release it without asking first wouldn't be in the best taste.
Yeah, what Pino said. Plus, it's just a warning man, no harm done. Just try and expand on your future posts.
Blueprint is your best bet to get a small map into MM
I like the forgehub shout out!
Eh, aside from the bugs, 4's forge is pretty good.
Doesn't it depend on the gametype?
Yo dawg what's the name of the song at the beginning?
First conquest, now this! I guess we have similar brains because earlier today I started making a floating asymm. inspired by lockout/guardian....
Well then how exactly do you modify if a weapon is dynamic/static. Sorry :P just trying to learn the ropes.
Wait, what do you mean by static/dynamic exactly? Thanks.
So then what are MLG maps doing? I'm actually interested because I hate Infinity Slayer so much, and I want to start making MLG stuff.
Did they specifically say January? Last I heard was early 2013, so I'd guess February to coincide with the next map pack and maybe a TU.
^Or instead of barriers all together, utilize a trait zone and make player gravity 200%.