Jesus Christ.... On the topic of Asian women. I'm currently at an Asian restaurant and I have a very pretty waitress. Double eyelid...
I did not know that many Asian women undergo eyelid surgery.
it's not
Xbox handheld device = windows phone?
of maybe it is
Lights are pretty cool
At least Lazy doesn't try to hide it.
Grif is Bruce Wayne.
Damn whoever changed the title. Damn them to hell.
Was Mike Partlow in Call of Duty: Black Ops?
Don't feel bad for him. He got to go to cedar point.
was that some sort of poem?
I'm going to see it tomorrow
Submarines? Holy ****
Lindsay Lohan was really hot before she did all of those drugs.
Too bad you weren't on hand at DICE to tell them what you had in mind.
Did anyone else see this? BF3: End Game Gameplay Dirt Bike - YouTube
I didn't get an email, I got an Xbox LIVE message with my code. Strange...