Are you taking actual drugs? The Halo 3 Sniper was so much weaker against vehicles than either the Halo 4 one or the Reach one. Reach was the game...
Hiya, I'm afraid I didn't make Awesometown, I just wrote the featured map article. It was actually made by Ladnil. The reason you can't...
Body shotting is using it properly. To appropriate your own logic, it does damage if you hit the body for a reason, so there's nothing wrong with...
Why is making sniping harder again bad from a development point of view? It's an incredibly powerful weapon, making it easier to use isn't helping...
Thanks man, but I was just drifting towards the end. It was time.
Going for shots you're less confident in making is wasting it, going for body shots is by no means wasting the Sniper. Plus, I actually heard a...
Spotflux lets you get the US selection from the UK. I agree that the UK selection sucks, if it wasn't for Spotflux then I wouldn't even consider...
I don't personally find it any less consistent than Reach, nor does Halo 4 have bigger hitboxes. The recoil takes some getting used to, and not...
It was Harvest, as I pointed out the bit in the IGN vid to Nutduster. As for "making room" for Ragnarok, yeah, I bet they were really pushed...
I'm really feeling for one of the above tonight. I don't rewatch films nearly as much as I watch new ones, but I'm glad I do both. I had...
Gonna watch a movie tonight. Trying to decide between Blow and Barton Fink. I've seen both before, and they're both awesome. Anyone wana save me...
If it has a wide firing pattern then yes. Precision autos are incredibly skilful, check out the Lightning Gun from Quake 3/Live to see what I...
I know this is too late since you've already cleared your cookies, but for future reference Chrome allows you to delete specific cookies rather...
Thanks. On topic. I don't consider use of the AR to be inherently more nooby. I admit, I think you're more likely to be bad if you use it, since...
I'm a DMR user, but even I admit that a proper classic experience should be forced BR starts. The modded no sprint gametype, with BR starts and...
Idk. You're entitled to your opinion obviously, but I'm pretty damn poor and I still don't mind. I think a fair number of people who got it...
I paid for the map pass, and I didn't feel hard done by when people got them for free. I wouldn't have cared if they'd just let everyone keep...
I doubt bsangel was the one to make that call. My (completely uninformed) guess is that MS wanted to back track over what was essentially their...
Oh I loved the process. Writing is a lot of fun when I'm in the right mood, and about something I'm interested in too. I loved being a part of the...
Oh you have got to be kidding me..... EDIT: You're damn right they are. Funny that.