I just found this thread accidentally and lol'd. I'm clearly not able to participate, because it would just be unfair to all of you... but so you...
Looks pretty awesome, but your sword room needs some serious improvement. It was so much more than what you've made it.
Wasn't designed to play Regicide, cause I hate that gametype. haha. The spawns work fairly accurate most of the time, but the instant respawn...
I'd love to see a default MM variant. Not all of us love MLG.
Well, it appears you don't have the currrent one. It's on Itunes. There's a link in my sig.
when you figure out that there are 130 levels, ranking up quickly suddenly doesn't seem so awful.
the rocks underneath are to hide the unsightly merging of pieces, the fusion coils are all placed as they were in the actual map, and the roof was...
I started from memory, but then I started going back and adjusting based on run-throughs and taking notes. I had to settle for that because I...
I have both, I use neither.
Ask a moderator.
Good deal. :)
Nah, my forging is on point. I've just never made a remake before, and accuracy isn't always my strong point. I don't notice little things like...
Lemme know if it works for ya.
it's in my fileshare if you'd like to run around it. Leave me some feedback. I know it isn't perfect.
You can place regular weapons on the map. They just only show up in custom gametypes. Slayer Pro has no weapons on the map. If you're feeling...
Dude, come now. You can't call my Guardian map out for "scaling issues" and then present that in your video. That remake is so off it's not even...
You might as well have made the center of the map a flat open field. You need to have varying heights, cover and things to change the lines of...
It's available in my Fileshare now. I'm sorry you don't like the scaling. Haven't had too many issues with that. Everyone else liked it so far.
I was playing flood, they picked complex. Two dudes used that secret spot and won round one. So round two, I followed them there, and while they...