Have to catch up some time man! Though know as its 1 am and I am dead tired. Just spent two hours pulling through a video project trying to get it...
Holy. ****. Wha-wha-wha? Whats been happening man?
Fuuarrk. Fuaarkk. OOOOMG dat episode! Great finishing to a great masterpiece. [SPOILER]
And Last Exit ;)
**** the reviews its Halo. I need a new game that suites what I like and Bioshock Infinite isn't out yet.
I second this notion. However as you stated, they could be remade quite easily in forge. Hell I reckon I might even try remaking Epitaph.
Ah so now its just a minority that are still against the humans, whereas most of the Elites have sided.
Can someone clarify one thing for me? If this is taking place after halo 3, shouldn't the Elites be friendly?
So Im not just seeing things, someone else has noticed this too! Yeah I found it weird, but in all honestly its such a minor thing that it hardly...
This made my day, a quote from this page: "you can make Lockout and The Pit with relative ease and plenty of room." I remember people struggled...
Not bad for a quick attempt, but its basically just being built with the same pieces as in reach. In other news, I love the rusty texture of the...
Used to forge often, but then i took a dull grey forgeworld to the game. But srsly, when i can, i wakeboard, ski, trick (flips n ****) and make...
I dont have any phobias myself, but my friend has mild claustrophobia. He cant sit on window seats of buses if someone else sits next to him, so...
IDGAF about Race but like ive said numerous times... Invasion :(
What the **** is IVs? what are EVs? dafaqs a Corphish? wtf is Pokerus? macho brace? Imma stick to Pokemon when it was normal.
Do we really have to keep spoilering this stuff... I mean if someone clicks on this thread, either they're gonna have already seen the episodes or...
Fuaarrrkk that was awesome! [SPOILER]
I just realised now mid/long range battles are gonna be awesome! Instead of BANG...BANG...BANG of the DMR its now gonna be all PEW BANG POW POW...
Well it does run on Hydrogen... but I guess maybe even a little more grunt would do it some love.
The brute plasma rifle has never been forgeable/placeable and neither has the scarab. Plus if they included every weapon/vehicle thats ever been...