i think you block it with hard light shield now instead. form a phalanx! how dare you sir i will not stand for such abuse
if war games is supposed to be this simulated combat training experience, then we should have all vehicles that ever were in Halo available, so...
yea, but i am thinking the second new one must be campaign only, since we have already seen all the options for forgeable vehicles.
i agree that the falcon and hornet were pretty much useless... Hornet was way too OP, and Falcon was retarded 90% of the time. depends on who your...
like always, the playlists will change and whatnot as the game lives on reach didnt have all the playlists it has now when it launched ya know
considering that it appeared to be just a few objects thrown together for the sake of the demo, perhaps they were not meticulous about lining them up
it probably takes a certain amount of computing power to just change the physics around on the fly like that, i would guess that that is why they...
ah, i didnt know their size was limited as well. =\
talking about crates, yeah, it makes sense. but will it work on something like a 2x2 block? we'll see.
or, if i can dream for a minute here, what if gravzones affect any object that is set to normal physics
even though pallets are returning, somehow i highly doubt that switches, elevators, and all that fancy stuff from H3 will be returning with them....
cuz my rhymes are malicious and my **** is delicious
i miss that moment of panic when i only have a second or two to pull my pants down and moon the camera before the victory photo of my ass is taken...
thats why the lifts are there. to get other players back into the mix faster, so that no one can lock down the middle for too long and...
so many strangers got mooned by me in burnout, lol
lol are you guys nuts, it looks like one of the best in the game for sure. good driving paths, paths that lead you around in a good flow, these...
looks amazing... desperately want it... gonna have to wait though.
did he ever give anyone an object list? it got requested a bunch of times but i never saw one. =\
Halo 4: Spartan Ops Interview with David Ellis of 343 Industries - Up at Noon - YouTube hahaha look at Ryan McCaffrey's stupid face. god i hate...
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