I can't believe it either.
If only I knew people that were willing to help me practice with them.
Well, there's a very big difference between the people you listen to and the people that I listen to. Just let that saturate for a bit.
Just like the guitar solos in CoD. I don't want Jeff cheering me on when I lob a grenade into a base and kill a dude guarding his flag. I guess...
Seriously?! You should be Chuck's bestfriend. I didn't get to play much Halo 2 because my XBL ran out just as MLG was beginning to take off....
Future Victory.
Yeah, I didn't get that sentence either. I want to be seen holding a flag. Flags mean victory.
It was bad and now I feel bad for seeing it. Next up is Looper and 7 Psychopaths.
I'm sure you'll be able to create a FFA slayer gametype.
Yeah, I find it kind of stupid that they wouldn't include an FFA or Objective playlist.
I wouldn't doubt it. I swear, they're going to be playing like 2 maps.
That Slayer Pro paylist has been confirmed to strip out Sprint and AAs and all the other bs. I guess we're going to have to edit using that...
That's what the dude that got the game early on Reddit said, yes
hahahaha I know right. I guess the staff just got too excited and wanted to see the news too. But forreals, anyone have any info on whether or...
Please enable us to shut off Sprint. Please. Or am I just a noob and it's been confirmed that you can?
But that Space Ghost suit is amazing...
I nominate this for "Post of the Year." But seriously, do you not see what you just typed when compared to the rest of your argument?
Before I played TC Towers, I could barely get it up. Fast forward to today, I'm banging hot Asian chicks every weekend. TC Towers helped me, it...
"To participate, open an account at DEWXP.com or DORITOSXP.com. There you’ll be able to unlock and load future XP matches that can be redeemed to...
I can see a BTB space on Impact utilizing both spaces, I got a couple ideas for it already. I'm really impressed with the atmosphere that the...