Probably the drop in-drop out thing. People would complain if they joined a game mid stream and it was extraction when they wanted to play CTF....
people are not allowed to post that vid from the leaked version right? I don't want to have to stop watching this thread in order to avoid it....
Halo 5 will just be whatever CoD game release just before with a second graphics engine on top to make it look like Halo. They were practicing...
By larger pallet do you mean more variations or just be able to use more of them? Personally I think Reach had enough variations of...
Microsoft run project in the fact that the main reason it exists is to hype up their next game to try to sell more copies. I doubt any of them or...
They could always do something like you get more credits/XP for finishing a game or some **** but yea there will probably still be a lot more leavers.
At lease we were still on topic.
More people for you to kill while at the same time less of you for them to kill.
lol I never said the story wasn't weak. It could be a hell of a lot better but would you really want them explaining the backstory of every cadet...
If you get into the mantis from the top and the cockpit is at the top as well, why does it have a giant *****?
If you payed attention to the 'battle' in the first episode you would have heard Vickers tell Lasky that he is "Not in charge anymore" Meaning he...
only 4 more weeks to go. Does anyone know of a way I can test frame rate issues btw?
The second episode wasn't several months later dude. It's within the same week at most, if not the next day Early wake-ups is standard for most...
I don't recall it being voted for very often in reach. that would be why they dropped it. Kinda sucks though cause some Assault based cutome...
they are already giving us three forge maps even if they do use the same skins on all the items I don't see them thinking big enough to plan for...
Not that big of a deal to be honest. There is a whole other asteroid to forge on that has no buildings. Btw there are some floaty rocks between...
Pretty damn big and intricate to be a forge piece though don't you think?
Could be but that one, could also be under the permanent building on Impact. At the start of the vid they came up from well under the level of...
Guys go back to the RTX footage and look again. The pieces look the same. The reason you could mistake the stuff on ravine from RTX as Forerunner...
That's ok well forgive you.