QFT Refinery is a pretty generic name, I don't see why people make such a fuss over naming maps after each other.
Pretty weird reason IMO. I'm sure they were cut off by now.
Could not agree more.
Er mah gerd hat is here
Happy Birthday Broseidon (God of the Brocean) ;)
Because I suck at drawing there's not much I can say other than good job. What's the 01 on her left arm supposed to mean?
Indeed. Anyways, here's your chick. [IMG]
[IMG] The internet is one strange place.
I think every CoD before Modern Warfare was rated T.
Could you still show me a fansite just a proof, because I doubt someone would want to make a fansite dedicated to a 14-year old girl :P
Because to me it looks like a smaller version of Valhalla. ^This
How is framerate on the map? With a glass ceiling it makes me worried that it will have bad framerate.
Well I certainly love the theme you have running here, kinda reminds me of Bayfalls City (overgrown city). I'll be sure to DL later. Impressive!
Eh, fansites aren't really my thing. Considering that I have opportunities to be close to her just creeps me out.
I just find them on Google Images. I don't see how you can't find them. Maybe the Netherlands censored some pics ;) [IMG] I hate it when people...
She's probably a CoD person I'm assuming. That game is in my neutral zone, so I don't mind. People keep calling me weird since I like her, but...
I'm guessing hentai magazine? Correct me if I'm wrong.
[IMG] is with your avatar?!
Spyro 1-3 on the PS1. I want to dig them out of my attic and play the **** out of them.