I believe so. It should just be "Parallex". Also, I'd love to help but I'm leaving for work, and could possibly be busy all day Wednesday,...
You really need to stop speaking on behalf of a community that has already gone against what you're saying in this very thread. There are people...
I'm at work til around 3am, post Mlg Xenophobia!
I'd love to know the reasons behind doing this.
Greatest video about hot dog tacos ever made.
cool beans
It's the rules.
You need to include pictures and a description. Here's how to embed screenshots. Please fix this soon or your thread will be locked.
Please use this link for your pictures and you'll also need to give a lengthy description of the map. You'll have a little bit of time before...
Says the guy who just got ninja'd by someone on 5 early this morning.
I disagree with that completely. Leaving the outside of the map open, instead of just putting coliseum walls everywhere is always the better way...
Nope, notice that it doesn't have the color strips on the sides.
Probably accessible seeing as there's a teleporter frame in there.
You're acting like that's a bad thing.
I don't like how half of your map is a mainly flat structure and the other is filled with rock clumps. I also don't care for how close the bases...
The map does look pretty good (minus the 2x4 side wall with the platform y's), but like every map Frenchy's works on, the name is just stupid.
The Magical Realm of Horse Man - YouTube
I wouldn't exactly say there's alot of height variation going on. There's a decent amount of subtle height changes, but the highest position in...
Bumper jumper is literally the best setup once you get used to it.