Fileshaaaare <3
People who get disco in 1v1s make me cry inside.
i couldn't connect :(
awwww, no fun
pssssssst.... bawksin' tonight/right now? i'm up for some drunk halos, man
The original Rollercoaster Tycoon, SimGolf, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, and AoE 2.
duuuuuuude. mass effect.
Well that makes sense, seeing as the Covenant got most of their tech by reverse-engineering Forerunner ****.
shoe! xbox today?
hey senor shoe, is you actually online?
I fire as fast as humanly possible to still be able to land my shots, which changes depending on the circumstance and range. I find that it helps...
go go go!
Perhaps you're just making the wrong type of map. Do what I do: spawn a hog, make some sweet jumps, then build a map around the jumps. Solid gold,...
shoeeeeeeee duck and i need your beautiful face (and also your router)
yo shoe. so. you should get skype. so i can bother you like i bother duck. yo. yeah. (p.s. i might be kinda intoxicated)
Trent Reznor is just the dirtiest ****ing sonofabitch and I love it. Reptile - YouTube
I don't play dark souls, but I have a little brother who does. He recently did a soul level one pyromancer build and PVP'd his way to 99...
There's a bunch of example tracks that you can load up in the editor and mess around with, all you need to do is load up the flip-counting one...
super nooblet.
yo! you should come play starcraft with me