Well, from what we've seen so far they've pretty much killed off the intermediate weapons. Everything seems to be starting/secondary or...
I think a lot of that is this infinity slayer gametype too.
I could get over most things except sprint. I hate sprint. The maps now look massive to accomodate for it too. They're full of huge rooms and...
Really on the killtimes? I watched Elamite on Haven it they seemed insanely long to me except to the occasional teamshot. I also hate the grenade...
Sandbox items allowed for a little more interesting shapes because they "meshed" better. Lights worked in Halo 3. It was in Halo 3. That's...
Looked more CoD than RE5 lol
GARBAGE Way to ruin a good franchise eh?
@Sky: No what I was trying to say is that it's unfair to say "oh it's just competitive players complaining" because it isn't just that. There...
I'm going to tear that video apart because it's wrong on so many levels: -Sure, CE wasn't a competitive game but it also was the game that...
Haha remember when I said "hey these pants aren't too bad, but not for me" and you said "are you gonna vendor them?" I sold them fro 120k on the...
Magic The Gathering 2013 Trailer - YouTube
Dark Souls DLC coming to Xbox 360, PS3 - GameSpot.com
A lot of people who've played it haven't gotten access to the full game. A lot of AAs weren't in, they didn't make much use of the "upgrades"...
That info didn't make me feel any better. it sucks that they ****ed up bumper jumper suck. I still used it for MLG and non AA dependant...
I'll add ya iron..I mostly play solo though right now
Yeah, but maybe there is a similar Sniper-like weapon that's covie or forerunner that you can spawn with. Also @BT and others with similar...
Also, anyone else notice the loadout called Sniper?
****ing lol, I can't even believe this ****. It's one thing to rip the crap out of other games, it's another thing to lie to yourself and your...
I was under the impression most of those were already in lol. You get unlocks as you level and some sort of "killstreaks" for weapon drops, which...
First positive sounding thing in a while. Exactly what I expected and I expected something good. Althought 50/50 on the no scope. I see...