Start reading, now!
Custom classes, start with shotgun ...need I say more? Should I list everything? Oh but it does exist. In fact, it already comes out once a year....
uuugggh ****ing shotguns? **** **** Fuuuuuuuckkkk If I want to play CoD, I'll play CoD. No thank you, I ****ing want halo. If 343 wants to copy...
I raged so hard when i couldn't continue it, you have motivated me to purchase it on psn.
Older Jrpgs that I've beaten and highly recommend: Final Fantasy 4,6-10 (not much needs to be said, these are my favorites from the series....
So many spoilers..... Must .....resist.... I agree, fillers suck most of the time, especially when you're trying to catch up on a series. Even...
Out of the first six episodes of Cowboy Bebop, I can say ep. 5 is the only one I've really liked so far. The first 4 seem to have hardly any...
Yeeeeaaaaaaa......I didn't think so.
Idk if it'll make you guys feel any better, but I'm pretty sure they said you could unlock the Br as soon as you get the credits needed. There...
1v1 me bro!
I just died a little Inside...... This game looks more and more like CoD future warfare everyday. I want to keep an open mind but it looks worse...
I'm always awake this early, I hardly ever stay up past midnight or 1am anymore.
I actually agree with stevo....... What.. the........****. After watching the podcast, idk some things are interesting but I'll have to see. I'm...
**copies edit** EDIT: the maps ranged anywhere from 200kb to 50mb (average would be 5-10mb). They could restrict the maps that got into mm to a...
For the record, it took 20seconds at the most to dl the maps in far cry before playing them in the community playlist(you would only need to wait...
That won't happen.
I just realized jet packers will also have sprint now.... I don't even.....
NeoGAF - View Single Post - Halo |OT3| Remember Reach? At least I feel better about the weapon drops now. It seems the main purpose of them is...
The focus rifle works the way it's intended. It pretty much is the sentinel beam, but actually useful. I wonder if they will be making some...