once your level gets into the seventies on the higher difficulties, i fell like fights are tedious rather than fun with an all magic character.
all magic is tough at higher levels. damage you do from spells doesnt scale with your character level, nor can you improve spells like you can...
jump button. im not entirely sure, but from the videos ive seen it seems like it thrusts you in whatever direction you are currently moving, even...
it would be most logical that they are just being run by AIs left behind by the forerunners, but for the sake of a good story something bigger is...
theyll show improvements to forge later. showing everything at once is a terrible marketing strategy.
im fairly sure they were just defense robots similar to sentinels, but designed and created by prometheans or a promethean (the didact), which...
you would think, but if that voice was him at the end of that e3 footage, he sounded pretty happy about an ancient evil awakening. maybe he's just...
yes, prometheans are the name for the warrior class in forerunner society. the didact was/is a promethean, the Didact in fact is the title for the...
[IMG] "Image of a Forerunner as depicted by 343 Industries and Microsoft Games" too late also "Tall, thin, with very humanoid features"
the blues do look more like forerunner tech we are used to seeing in past games. perhaps there are multiple surviving forerunners, ones who are...
yeah, and that gametype it described with a new scoring system is the infinity slayer gametype, with ordinance drops. i would have to assume the...
i dont really like friendly fire, too many assholes out there that abuse it. i would prefer if they did the hardcore cod method and directed...
i would hardly call getting one ordinance drop that could possibly fall next to an enemy rather than you, in one gametype in the game, the game...
the first, although i guess it hasnt been confirmed, i can almost guarantee you that the perk will allow you to spawn with two primaries. to some...
indeed, but thats what spartan ops is for. surely, one of the spartans wont be controlling the body of an elite in their war games training...
1. im pretty sure the perk allows you to spawn with 2 primary weapons, such as BR and AR instead of a pistol secondary. im sure you'll still be...
someone at 343, i believe frank, said that the 10 multiplayer maps the game ships with "does not include forge maps/environments."
you're kidding me right? you dont belong on that website kid.
i dont think the light rifle is supposed to be like the sniper, but similar to the BR, DMR, and covey carbine. and i dont see why weapon...
the enemies do look a bit odd, considering all forerunner tech in past games as had a blueish glow about them, not orange. i dont know if they're...