Hey, thanks for joining the group!
all 211 of them? is there an easy way to do that? If not, I could still do it.
Hey, I started another social group for infection, that is similar to BIOC, but instead of playing maps, we forge them and test them. It will be a...
also, who else do you suggest I invite? The BIOC staff? I don't wan't to compete with BIOC or anyting (not that it would be posibble if I tried,...
it's just a smaller group of my own, that I want a few people to be in, just so that people who are very good at infection can forge and test...
of course, I still need to get a lot more people to join. Please join if you want! Also, does moderated publicity mean people can join if I accept...
Hey man, I started another social group for infection, that is similar to BIOC, but instead of playing maps, we forge them and test them. Come...
actually, the one person that signed up, sent the message 1 hour late.
nope, stupid minecraft, just had to get released right before my BIOC...
no, all my friends are playing minecraft...
ugh, no one has shown up yet.
how dare school get in the way of my halo time!!! :(
Actually I'm not hosting, I'm pretty busy the next little while.
I'll host this round, sure.
why is everyone complaining so much? The game looks like halo 3 with the awesome parts of halo reach mixed in. I think it is going to be great....
thanks for the feedback :)
hey, are you gonna leave some feedback on my maps? I think it was much better when it stopped lagging.