Could be better. Turned 15 yesterday :p whoop.
haven't talked to you in awhile :( </3
I'm on a diet :(
Hey, thanks.
Hi Im Erupt
This could be fun..
Oh, Halo 4.
My god..
Define 'active.' I've averaged like 1 post per week on FH in the past year.
Hi. I registered on that one site.
My voice wasn't that bad... :(((
Hey, I have an idea. You. Make a map.
I ended up deleting the whole map. Just in case you had trouble getting that out of your mind while trying to sleep last night.
If they give me flat pieces that don't merge stupidly and don't have giant tails, I don't even know what I'll do...
"45 minutes or so."
Drama Setter is my favroite chorus by Eminem, for all those times you asked me that.
2012 XXL Freshman Cypher Video (Hopsin, Roscoe Dash, Machine Gun Kelly, Future and Danny Brown) - YouTube I feel like Hopsin just slaughtered...