Must be the most amazing thing ever forged if it's That much of a secret.. -_- Anyways please have a more specific title. The title, "hey" isn't...
Attention, the map has been updated for gameplay and is now available for download for community feedback on how it plays.
nice thing of you to do videos when the filesystem is down. Well I guess Ill have to re-upload the gametype for my map to my Fshare soon :P
Ill have to give it a download to see how it plays anyways. great job :) If u dont mind ima take out those fx for customs
This is a thread for people to post 2 of their favorite Montages they've seen. If you come across one that you think should replace one of your...
np. I kinda have a similar prob with voice n' stuff. Im 16 but sound 14 in a way -_-
(trollface) this is so crudy. No offence I laughed so I guess u achieved something. U keep repeating what u say over and over, trying to sound...
Only 1 place to watch out for danger. kinda like that lookout tunnel thing on sword base.
Old but still funny... Movies In Minutes - Chronicle - YouTube
so many good maps, with the worst choice of FX... Anyways I like the center, but that tunnel thing seems a bit campable
its like a cod version of the halo reach montage
This is something I've been thinking about. If forge in h4 has a bigger budget and capable of higher object count, the maps I have currently will...
Have 1 4v4 map (asymmetrical) and 1 btb map (symeyrical). If u need any help with the maps just let me know.
So whats the theme?
cya man. anyways my mic was misplaced at the time :P
Map Name: Ultrium Authors: xRoboArtistx, Frenchys Gametypes: Slayer FFA (more will come eventually) Recommended amount of players: 2-3....
Some of these look very promising for gameplay. But the only exception would have to be the 2nd map you showed. There isnt really any railing...
My frind's grabbin me a H3 from a gamestop for mai Bday. He asked me what I wanted, and i was thinking soething cheap but not something id wouldnt...
sketch up's free i thinnk. Why do u need someone else to do it?