The bulletin is already out skisma.
I though the bubble shield was the **** back in H3. I didn't think that it slowed down gameplay too badly, especially since people can't spawn...
Download the photobucket app, it works great.
Dude, bad timing. Too bad won't let you download maps anymore. Nonetheless, I enjoyed testing this with you guys. I love the theme...
Good to see you guys followed through with the contest. Congrats to the winners.
Well everyone knows that today Bungie stopped updating their Halo data on Bnet today. Luckily though, they took the time to give us a picture that...
Well we already have a chatbox that is built into the site and is heavily used and convenient.
I wish I had halo 2 or I'd be doing the same. I'll probably playthrough H3 though.
Talks about the DMR later in the podcast. Link
Mr Pokefile had the courtesy to do an awesome video for my game. Community Creations Ep. 3 Scopeless (Custom Halo:Reach Map) HD - YouTube
I think they said it in the new sparkast on waypoint.
Wow nice job dude! I appreciate it a ton.
Oh wow I misinterpreted what he bad.
Eh I don't think there would be enough maps posted.
I prefer H3 over Reach any day. Sounds fun, I'll be there.
Well I never use the same flooring for my mini games, usually I just try to find anything that matches well together. Banks and coliseum windows...
lol yes. Making Halo 4: First Look - YouTube
Sup raynne. You infracted me a ton back in your journo days. So are you coming back for h4?
I always enjoy your previews, timmy. You always have such a unique forging style, and this map is no exception. The central building looks very...
Yeah multicog was definitely a favorite of mine.