I'm gonna make an inventory of the ones i need tonight. Only got 6m in the bank at the moment. The list to get the achievement is (for...
From OP, whistle sounds like a Sun O)))) track ...
You nublets are all forgetting the Mac-Daddy of 2012 movies (aside from Dark Knight Rises) ... I give you prometheus: Prometheus - Official Full...
Anyone want to help a brother get all the Ferraris on disc 1? :P I'll gift all the cars back to you once i'm done ...
This. Instanttttttt.
I will buy this, simply for the Map Editor.
Plop ... i'll give you feedback tonight.
I'm completely 'meh' about this game ... maybe that will change, but to be honest there is no cool driving force to make me want to play. Sure its...
Thats another thing i've never gotten into ... drifting. Explain plox. (i know what drifting, just not how to do it properly on Forza)
make thai fishcakes
Hold me close ... Can you pleeeeeease re-instate my custom title? *insert big beaming smile and puppy-dog eyes* Can it be: ribbed for your...
Can you set custom Titles brah?
Add me on live you cumcrumpet. My GT is NOT 'ComeAtMeBro' ... obviously. Get on live tonight or some crap. On Reach. Or something.
I have never gotten into tuning in previous Forza's, but i'm reading up on it now .. seems a right **** on.
Greatest. Sentence. Ever.
I agree with that ... having to purchase DLC in order to just make sense of the story is a proper ****ing disgrace.
Pretty sure its because GAME are going bust ...
Yeah, then i think it was you ... 7:36 or something in that ridiculous british hypercar. Also, i hope you realise you've spelled 'shipment' wrong...
Just a quick plop to say that Forza 4's online segments are the **** in comparison to other racing games ... I love spunking the other FHFH...