I just want to say that it's really easy to influence my judgement. I have a Paypal account for people in America.
Keep this out of my Halo, thank you.
Why would you go into BTB and expect competent players?
If you actually bothered reading my initial post you would've figured out the reason why I build this map. MLG Sanctuary and Sanctum are both more...
I turned that off, twas annoying as hell.
People hiding on/behind rocks the entire match? No thanks. The map is way too stand-offish.
Tempest is the worst Reach map. Every time it comes up I quit out.
I like how the video says it's a leak even though it's from 343's own video.
Disregard Slayer, acquire objectives.
I'm quite the opposite. Halo 2 maps weren't jack-of-all-trades but were all specifically build for a certain type of gametype. This is what made...
Colossus was amazing in Team Snipers Containment was good for BTB, esepcially CTF Desolation was an enjoyable 4v4 map, maybe a tad too big....
You crazy.
Ascension Beaver Creek Colossus Containment Desolation Elongation Foundation Headlong Ivory Tower Lockout Midship Relic Sanctuary Terminal Turf...
Halo 3 maps suck, bro.
You've convinced me. :P Seriously, though. It doesn't matter that there are other things that negatively impact the game even more. It's a bad...
But it's symmetrical!
Sprint makes it too easy for people to run away from danger. Let's say someone is one-shot and he decides to run away. The person who was shooting...
What? The framedrops we experienced were not caused by people joining and leaving. When that happens the game stutters a few times, that's it....
Drop Shield is fine? Have fun playing any objective game against an entire team using them. Even as a pick-up in Halo 3 they were cheap and I...