You could play campaign or firefight if you enjoy watching those things. Drop zones would be limited to areas without something overhead. I have...
I fare decently on foot on Hemorrhage. With 2 hogs, a revenant, a wraith and a ghost per team, a player would be left without a vehicle once...
Aren't those Halo 3 brutes? I Halo 2 brutes were "beasts", in popular terminology. Do you think having no shields in multiplayer would work?...
Wow, I didn't know that some atheists would try to talk to people when they don't want to talk- I didn't expect them to be so irrational as to...
Quote: Originally Posted by zeppfloydsabbtull I didn't read every post, so I hope that I'm not repeating anyone here, but I don't see how thinking...
I didn't read every post, so I hope that I'm not repeating anyone here, but I don't see how thinking that someone is right and another person is...
I wish that players in small map 4v4 games started with 1 grenade per spawn. Then nades on the map would actually be somewhat important. Two nades...
Quote: Originally Posted by SecretSchnitzel [IMG] I like Reach... In fact, I'd say NBNS(no-AA) DMR starts is one of the most enjoyable game...
Perhaps "customs search" would be an option for customs along with "open party" or "friends (or invite) only". Then one would designate their...
I play mostly BTB, so I use toggle to stay crouched for almost all of my shots. For me it was never too slow to uncrouch and strafe if they seemed...
Thank you for articulate feedback. I wish that I understood the other posts as well as I understand yours. You've given me a much better idea of...
Thank you for testing my map and providing me with feedback. I am not sure why the attackers couldn't see the territories- the upper half of the...
I still don't get why leaving phases behind is problematic. The first transition takes just over 20 sec for both teams, and the second transition...
I know it's buried in text, but I typed that a working version is in my fileshare. I know I will have to change it after testing, but you make it...
Sorry, I'll keep my voice down next time- also, this is now a minor point, but they didn't give me thoughts on my map. They gave me thoughts on...
Open expanses of modified FW- forget about my map, as this post is not referring to it- Hemorrhage and Paradiso are exactly that, and Hemorrhage...
What is "and then he posts pics" supposed to mean? When I said that I would want to hear whether or not it should be abandoned, I expected it to...
What I meant by "exactly hitscan" was that the provided link described hitscan, because posts after that link seemed to be ambiguous on what the...
I have completed an 8v8 invasion map and gametype aptly named “Entire FW Invasion”. This map, especially the third phase, is exceptional, but I do...
the re: overall good link seemed to be describing hitscan- saying that "the bullets are so fast that they are spent in one frame" is exactly...