I think we should all become Gorons so that all the starving people could eat rocks, and instead of using cars that rely on fossil fuels, we could...
I think the first person should click my link, then the second person Tusk's link, and so on. YOU'RE THE FIRST PERSON!
http://db.tt/UQTK0GV Click that link, download dropbox and I'll send it to you Moon Job Extreme. It has Mark Wahlberg.
Not all of us can hold Eyes Wide Shut-orgies every weekend in our mansion Grif.
Yeah, I don't care if the book's description fits Rooney Mara to a tee, or that she's an amazing fit for the role in every possible sense....
Afghan, Derail, Estate, Favela, Invasion, Karachi, Quarry, Rundown, Scrapyard, Skidrow, Sub Base, Terminal an Underpass were great (or at the very...
At 2:23 when he pushes that kid to the side by the head, that's the best moment in that film.
The Dark Knight Rises Official Movie Trailer Christian Bale, Batman Movie (2012) HD - YouTube
TTFTWTA There's that-
Nope. I guess Bethesda decided it wasn't worth their time to include a feature to fix a problem that would only infuriate a percentage of the...
You have a cousin who rose to the top of the modelling profession? What's her name. I think it's sweet your family watched her E special because...
Not enough tribute to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. 3/10.
Josh Blaylock? Also in No Country for Old Men? Lead with that next time.
If Bethesda thought I should be able to upgrade my bow until it's wicked overpowered, and it helps me beat their crappy game faster, it's no skin...
Enchanting to boost alchemy then alchemically increasing smithing isn't an exploit. Wearing an enchanted falmer helmet and circlet at the same...
I stabbed a **** in the hand in Argentina once. Blade Runner
I'd rather be dead in Australia than alive in Ohio.
Grif: Rich enough to know the JP Morgan Ceturion card is made up of $1000 of palladium and gold, yet works in a store shovelling popcorn....
Pierce is on the brink of death, Abed is crazy and a crowd favourite, Britta cares about the environment, Jeff has two duelling natures, Annie is...