bad internet :P
So. I'm like level 10. Rode my dragon to that one place to go kill the big dragon. Got mauled. Went home. Started to level up for next attempt....
lol. This reminds me of when I was like 4, and I just kept doing something with that sword making my character change. I never left this place. :P...
By the location of the CPU I thought you might be doing what Longshot and I are doing with the jump height, but apparently not. I've been thinking...
<whistle souuuunddddddddd.> Looks verrrryyy niceee. Can't wait to see this one in game. Edit: CPU traits?
I wasn't solely blaming you. Make that more obvious, because as far as I can tell, everyone read it as an insult to us. Then why ask to...
1. Ok, I somewhat see how our map names are alike, but retarded? As apposed to you're own: "Living Inside A Big Red Pitched Elephant S**!"...
Will the.. uhh.. quality be good?
lulwut? But um, I guess I could try. Mostly the quake weapons are the same as Halo weapons. Grenade Launcher to Grenade Launcher, Rocket...
I like the shape of the structures, but the textures are blah. Not that I expect anything great for a map of this size, but yeah. I just wanted to...
So, if I were to record a game "Live" with my PvR, would it pick up peoples voices if they were in a party with me or something?
^ Nope. They look ****ing nice, man. Can't wait for you to get back on Live. :) Gonna dl and look around right now.
I already did that with Gallant, and Longshot is working on one based around it.
Absolutely not.
You're a failure :P
Lol. Eightball and Longshot's conversation, 2nd page.
Nope, it's a channel for 1v1s where I play the creators of the map. Haven't uploaded a video yet.
Stolen Purification video comments gogogogoggo.
Go on the stolen Purification video and read the guys response to my comment :P