People like more competitives than zombies . Only reason that came out of my brain .
1. I gave this set of name because all the map that theese guys have done looks the same . 2. Aesthetics is not the only thing in forge .......
Wow ..... amazing map that not using only large braces, 2x2 blanks and other retarded stuff .... I like the layout ... simple and multilevel...
Lokks cool , its clean , playable ,2v2 , 4v4 .... this map is perfect ! You should do a version of this map without MLG weapon settings ........
1. I can help you with Jump pad .... I know how to make different one . 2. You're starting to forge like all theese guys . Anyway i like it .
Retarded name ..... And why everybody is making map that looks all the same ? Personally theese map are like all the others map made by Ace ,...
Well you Hater go back to Halo 3 .
I loved to forge with you on this man : Funny , easy and Beautiful ! This is the final version ? If yes gave it to me so i can do the version...
Wow thats a good forger combination ! Reminds me Construct/Countdown/Colossus ........ With the pictures i wet my pants .... wow damm beautiful...
OMFG ! I cant stop enjoying myself infront thoose pictures ! Invite me for testing !!!!
Amazing map ... I saw it today. I will like t play a game on it ..... invite me when you will have enough player !
Wow the rocket spawn is so SEXY ! You make it open like the original Gemini ! When this will be out ???? I can't wait download it and play on it !
Map looks great remember me Gemini but why rocket spawn is Indoor ? Normally on Gemini this part of the map is outdoor ...... Anyways I like the...
Remember playing on this ... amazing map , simple and beautiful . Also i remember that the sniper rifle was hard to find on the map ..... do you...
Well ... maybe a crismas miracle will be apreciate ! saw it and ..... WOW i like it and i think you will !
WTF ???? Im still waiting for thoose map now for 8 months or something like that .
Im working on ; -Sierre 117 remake - Sketch Up desing to Halo Reach - 5 Remake of my Halo 3 map . Thats it !
Well i rebuild it and its an easy 4v4 on it .
Call it : Madison SQUARE Graden .