Nope :D
Griefers gonna grief.
Now you want to talk to me? :/
From what I can tell from the pictures the map looks very nice. The rocket pit reminds of a sandbox crypt map. It's on the tip of my tongue. Ah,...
Wow. That waterfall is beautiful. It looks natural, as they're not directly lined up. It might cost a lot of money, but everyone knows Aesthetics...
Do want.
@ SkaterPriest Nice. I've been voxelsniping lots lately, I've been trying to get ready for the new world I've been working on my server. Here's a...
Why would you want to make the game easy? Surely you'd like to challenge yourself? Once a game becomes to easy it gets pretty boring... at first...
Haha, best song ever. That's become it's own youtube trend.
That's because I repeatedly 'sploded it to get it that big. Some douche filled it with water. grrrr
@Server Hosters VoxelTronix is a thing you should be keeping your eye on. Apparently these "Animations" cause no lag, even with large amounts of...
Directly south-east of Windhelm. Quite alot of it too. Mind the Orcs, they're neutral until provoked.
Go to ArchMage Quarters in the college of Winterhold, he's got a **** load of soul gems. Also he doesn't do anything when you steal it. There is...
OMG what ****ing losers. They like Hentai because they're girlfriends look like hairy trolls.
Just bought the Proudspire manor. :D
6 Dragons, 8 Giants, 2 Yeti's under my belt.
A really deserving feature. Everything from the intricate staircases to the flanking walkways this map really shines. (Applauds)