im basically forced to buy this now. So i can eat my words and you all beat me in a race.
Its a great game for sure. Its difficulty I personally think is a little blown out of proportions. Yes enemies do a lot of damage and there are...
its just not different enough from forza 3 for me. The way i see it if i dont feel like playing forza 3 why would i buy forza 4. ehh maybe ill get...
to quote vorpal HA. You n00b. does this mean your too cool to play with me now :P
I cant beat blighttown cause i keep falling off the map like a noob. I rage quit this game for the first time cause i lost 6000 souls then 4000...
Not sure if i know the Bell guard but i find it that the polearms/spears/pike or whatever are really good because when u light attack u keep ur...
I havnt really been grinding but i did farm the slimes in the depths for large titatine shards so i could get +6 - +10 on my winged spear my...
All i got to say is this game only get better. 10 hrs in. level 40, Winged Spear +10 Hard Leather armor and Gargoyle Helmet. and i still havnt...
Im pretty much in love with this game. My first character i got to level 16 in about 8 hours and i had only beaten 1 boss and maybe 2 mini bosses....
The Saiga 12k shotgun (aka the fungun) makes the 870 look like a pee shooter. Approve that message :P
BF3 – DICE To “Adjust” UMP-45 and Other PDWs Plus More Hints Of Caspian on Console Beta | MP1st Thank goodness for small favors.
News: Dane Cook, Others Celebrities Choose Modern Warfare 3 Over Battlefield 3 | All the more reason to play Battlefield 3 huh?
Torque Bow is best and fastest if your pro. Boomshot would be second choice but there are less shots. and yes target the weak spot they speak of...
I just call anyone who snipes in the backfield a bush wookie. Which i obviously enjoy doing because i will stop to focus on an objective...
We must combine our forces and Bush Wookie the **** out of people.
Weird fact about this game. There is no promotion material on XBL. AT ALL. Try and look the game up on game marketplace. Its like the anti-skyrim....
Im to scared to start it up. I know im just going to die so im waiting to get alittle drunk so i wont get upset when i die like 10 times in a row.
Game is officially out and i just purchased it. I havn't started yet but i am super excited to get started. I decide to get this over skyrim...
I dropped the jumbotron on a [spoiler] He disappeared and reappeared on blue spawn. but i guess if a [spoiler] cant kill him then a ton of...
got 160meter headshot today im closing in... slowly