No maps have been released, so you are automatically not right. Even without bloom, Reach is about as competitive as Minecraft and about as fun...
The map looks outdated and sloppy, like you just put the entire thing together in a few hours. Calling something like this MLG would be an insult...
Yes, that was the map I was speaking of. Thanks. And just a word of advice for the future: never ask Seven oh Three to suggest a map name again.
Your complaints have been answered. ForgeHub finally removed the MLG section and moved all the MLG maps into the competitive section, allowing...
You know that describes many MLG maps, right? Check out something from iLevvi, a Polish Korean, Bretamalad, Fritzster, xSalot, SecretSchnitzel,...
Clearly you haven't the map back when it had 2 snipers. At the beginning of the game, one team would always get both snipers and in turn they...
Have you fixed those horrible spawns yet? I still have that clip of me backsmacking Seven oh Three right as he spawned in front of me to prove...
Fixed those spawns yet? I'm surprised this map hasn't received a single post yet. Forgehub probably just hates the MLG guys. And tell Fritzster...
Nah, it was the combination of bloom, horrible connection, and a shitty host.
Although I agree, the reason I'd rather have a BR in BTB than a DMR is because I feel like it works great for all ranges, and isn't too...
I agree with this entire statement. The reason I said that Reach was less consistent than Halo 3 was probably because I haven't played Halo 3 in...
I'm only saying Magnums because on large, open maps like Hemorrhage, the entire game would become a "camp at your base and shoot everyone across...
Well, I was pretty pissed off the few matches that I had before making this thread. That could be it. And who said I was talking about DMRs? We...
Which lesser known members? All of these members are known for at least something in this community. Just because they don't get on the front page...
That's most games, not all games. The games they are implemented in are nearly broken when they aren't done well. Reach is an example of a game...
Wrong. I said that 343 should listen to the opinions of the competitive players more, especially since it has been proven that casuals don't have...
Yes, but that bloom was implemented effectively, so it's not a problem. The more skilled player would still win a 1 on 1 battle. Spamming was...
Gears isn't really my style. I've come across a few TPS games that I liked, but even then I saw very imbalanced gameplay which made me avoid...
I'm talking about Bloom and poor shot registration, both of which are luck factors or are things that create luck factors. Well maybe some of...
You do things your way and I'll do things my way. Respect players for their playstyle instead of saying things like "You have no life." or "Stop...