Theorem = 19 Chuck = 19 Tusk = 20 Furry = 22 Benji = 8 Stouf = 15 Shuman = 16 Shanon = 18 Rorak = 12 Neo = 7 Linubidix = 13
I added the stink lines because you smell :D And the blue lines are so cars can spot you at night
[IMG] Can I be winner now?
what are these scores?
Completely forgot I had Anchorman. It was in a different drawer to everything else, I'll have to watch that next.
I haven't bought many DVDs in quite some time, so a lot of them are like 5+ years old and not the best quality. And I ended up going with...
My almost full 1TB external HDD is stuffed. I'm back to DVDs, for the time being. What should I watch? Forgetting Sarah Marshall Knocked Up 40...
Everything about Dead Island looks sweet, except for the gameplay.
Yeah, apparently they're working on it but for the time being I'll have to delete my Bungie Pro Membership, it doesn't end it, I can just...
Fairly certain that would be a non-issue. I got a new 360 over two years ago. Actually, yeah that help a lot. It says that the game is only...
I haven't played Reach in a few months and suddenly got the urge this Monday, and as I decided to play; I decided I may as well get the Defiant...
Horrible Bosses just came out today in Australia and I decided I'd see it as a break from doing Uni work. I thought it was great! While there...
I guess Steve... lost one of his jobs
just got the defiant map pack
hi flr
Im so high righht now
Exactly. I've also got Gotham Knight so I'm annoyed that it comes with like every edition of the game. I don't want 2 copies of that movie, I...
I already have Batman: Under the Red Hood on BluRay. Duhh Also, you don't get Robin when you pre-order at EB. You also don't get the earth one or...
President Ubuntu?