Well, then I'll just have to refuse giving you access to my name, image, and likeness until you tell me!
well, whats it about?
am i sexy in it?
I already write my own music.
Duble fail. Pronounce the first word all spanishy, for ultimate epicness.
First! Epic map is epic with extra epic, and congrats on the ninja post Peggle. I literally didn't even know, so hi-five.
It drives fine, but the way that the window coliseums line up differently than they appear to in reality causes for about ten seconds of panic...
You demon.
So I take it, from your description at least, that the colors do show up in game? If so, this racetrack is about 20% cooler than any other I have...
I'm so sorry, they begged for me to show them so I did! I tried to warn them, but they didn't listen! And its ****ing CUTE LITTLE PONIES THAT...
Welp, suddenly I am tired. Night rageguy.
Started at ten.
God. So wrong.
Its ****ing evil. I want to gouge out my memories of it and burn them, then burn everything cute and sacred with it.
The... atrocious link.
Sexy Sax Man Careless Whisper Prank feat. Sergio Flores (directors cut) - YouTube
Err, by tomorrow I mean Wednesday, not Tuesday.
Its nbd, I can steal my dads tomorrow then send the current one in for ANOTHER new freaking xbox.
Refer to Shad0w's vm wall. I might have posted that SB thing out of order, btw, because the bad act happened immediately prior to depression, not...