yea, i already changed that...i guess thats an old photo. thanks! Edit: Do you have skype? I would like some information on weapons on Azula.
I'm going to take a good guess Summit has got this in the bag. Awesome invasion map. Takes me a lot to impress me with one of them. I haven't...
Here's what the headers will look like. This one is Azula ;)
your sig is awesome
well i hope you like what i have done because I have the headers for all 3 maps done.
get on skype, i have something epic to show u
:('re free to delete my post then.
You have twenty four (24) hours to make this post up to Forge Hub standards. These standards include: A Screenshot/ Thumbnail Image posting...
everything was fine. I just need "Lux7NOPURP"
take some pictures of Azula for me right now. Plzz♥
yeah, i got a hold of them. I started to get Lux's images together and theres "LuxPurp7" but not a "Lux nonpurp7". I havent checked out Opal yet....
well 1st off it's "Anent" :P im giving you crap. Yeah, that's cool with me. Wouldn't mind trying to help.My GT: iTzz Longshot I can get on...
Well the main point of that sender is to get you to a different portion of the map. The area that the receiver is located only has 2 access points...
I can get on skype right now
Thanks everyone for the comments. I figured that some people wouldn't like the Purple Fx so I gave you guys a regular one. Everyone who's tested a...
cool story bro lol
well its in voting and im really thinking about voting for a different map...
hey you there. Im making just a "logo" right now right? with cards, camra and the text? I keep thinking of making like a poster sorta thing lol...
lol its cool. I really dont care. I'm sure it will for ever be lost in the competitive thread one day. /negativeNancy
Can I have one of your videos of use playing Anent? I would use one of mine, but you slaughter me every time :P Going to get a simple gameplay...