Submit your map to the Testers Guild.
Thanks, man. Took long enough to write, lol.
Si, senor.
Here's your feedback for Ascendant. Legit map!
You could just have two gametype-specific, team-assigned Strong Zones that cover most of the map but exclude the enemy team's base... that's only...
You gotta be careful when you start talking about spawn zone weights (or "attraction points") and stacking zones... There's not a lot of official...
Yo, I made a ton of improvements to Monument just from that one game... now that it doesn't suck, we should playtest the **** out of it during...
Uhhh... there are no "sides" in KOTH. Both teams fight over a neutral hill. Perhaps you're confusing KOTH with Territories.
How much over budget are you?
Load up map, fly around, place a couple pieces, drive around in a hog for the next forty minutes, rinse, repeat...
Dual wielding, man... dual wielding.
Uhhh... if you have four open slots in your fileshare, why not use those?
I don't think Neutral Flag uses the flag-at-home/flag-away labels, seeing as nobody owns the flag, so that's not gonna work either. I don't mean...
As far as I know, there's no way to create the system you're describing. It's not possible to have different spawning behavior based on where a...
Once upon a time, I had the same issue. You just need to set your Red and Blue slayer/objective spawns to "TEAM_ONLY". That will solve all your...
You don't have a Safe Haven. Create a Hill Marker, label it INF_HAVEN. Then your map will work.
Purification. Solid little competitive map, even if I still fall off about 3 times every match :P
You need a haven, even if it isn't used with your specific gametype. Hill marker, INF_HAVEN.
Crazy King cycles the hills randomly, so it's entirely possible that your particular hill just didn't get picked. It's like flipping a coin and...
alright, cool. thanks man.