It most certainly is not Broccollipie's map. ;) I'm happy to see that you've enjoyed playing on the map, even though I don't like Oddball games...
You mean the bottom hallways or top? Because I've changed the back area so it wouldn't be as claustrophobic as it was before. Some goes for the...
Contained is a arena-style symmetrical map best played with objective gametypes such as CTF and Assault or just plain old Team Slayer. It offers...
Downloading it as we speak. Just to give it a quick look in Forge and maybe do some customs on it later.
Johnson begs to differ.
I had fun doing them. I've done every LASO challenge solo and with friends and I enjoyed it a lot. I don't care about credits.
Going through the level while having it with you always gets you 4 shots. I remembering doing it the first time I played the level. It just...
Seems like a lame version of Fails of the Weak. :/
[IMG] Yeah, I got a 29 killstreak with the Banshee on Utopie. They were not amused.
Pretty much every map has framedrops (even non-forged ones like Condemned). They really should've focused on fixing framerate issues if they...
I haven't really decided yet, but I'm thinking one (maybe two) Warthog(s), a few mongeese and probably a ghost. I'm keeping the ring around the...
So this is a new map I've been working on since a few days ago. I've always thought the areas in ODST were pretty interesting to work with so I...
I've made a map which is basically ready for testing, but there's one thing I just can't get right: spawnzones. I've tried using the spawning...
YouTube - Portal: Reach There you go.
Awesome job. Especially with the turret. ;) Can I upload it to my YouTube channel? Unless you've put it on YouTube already, of course.
If it helps creating an awesome map, go for it.
Launcher le Grenade. Nothing more satisfying than getting a one-hit-kill with it.
I only Yoink people if it's in MLG. It helps speed up the game and most of the time people don't even want to do the animation.
What happens if you fall in the pit?
I assume you mean the default lay-out and not the barren version. :P It shouldn't be too hard rebuilding it except for the sides, I guess.