it was updated for competative gameplay so you dont have to worry about that
the blue flame is pretty sexy but the map is nicely forged. it could have more details in it though... What's your budget?
i would very well love to see this on the playlist. the only problem i can see is that some of the structures could be a bit destracticting and...
your oni alpha site looks great also
ive updated this map and had it moved to competative maps due to peoples recommendations and thoughts. i hope you enjoy
you need a discription and at least 4 pictures (one appears to have been deleted). or else the thread will be locked. ps: make the images...
I would appreciate it iff you can copy and paste the images instead of providing the links to them. The map looks awesome though. great...
Haha, dont worry. The map looks great. Its just that it wasnt my favorite h3 map that's all.
great aesthetics. i especially love the slanted support beams on the center bridge. it gives it character. However, you might wanna add a little...
I put in team slayer, but it isnt great with it since the weapons arent entirely set out (because i tried to make it like the original). But i...
i love the bridge that extends out of the side of the map. But if i were you, id try to go a little more detailed and add a little bit of cover...
Oni Alpha Site Interior (Remake) Remember the good ol' days when killing covenant in firefight was complete hell, and it required skill instead...
Thanks. Yeah you need at least 4 people to make it a nice challenge. Was the map you mentioned up for grabs still? Or is it not anymore? (ignore...
looks like a good map. the only problems are: it seems maybe a little dull, and i see a few gaps that look like they need to be filled in...
maybe you can make a "Chutes and Ladders" sometime? that would be a sight to see
no thanks. ive been working on several maps lately. i sorta have my hands full. if you can put it in your fileshare ill take a look at it
Im guessing youve already finished Scurvy and youre going to suprise it or did it not turn out well?
Well done. I'm curious to see how this could work out. But if you knew me, im a little impatient when it comes to this. im sure id would be...
I'm going to download this, but i was wandering (based on the images and vid), was that a color effect added to the map, or were they edited?...
If it's slayer and nothing else, you should have posted it under Competative maps. Its a good map idea and location, but please put a little...