AMD Phenom II is one of the best processors out there. Now 2.6 GHz isn't the greatest, but they are way more efficient then those **** intel-i...
Amazing work, well done. The curved hallway has a cool feel to it, and I loved fighting in it. The dip-in to the tunnel is nice as well, as I had...
Dude. Holy ****, flying batman aids. This is awesome. You need to recreate that scene where clue corruptz tron. Lulz. Overall amazing work, here,...
Idk it was weird. Then he was like asta' levista baby and I was :(
Well me and dino and hat were spamming it in the lolbox. Me and dino got banned but idk about hat. I stopped spamming it and dino posted it one...
Did you see the picture?
banned again :(
Lolwut My structure is going to be much, much bigger. From 4 blocks above bedrock to the sky limit. The structure's top area is 25x25 then goes...
For many reasons, A to be able to manipulate a world and create, amazingly enough why I forge. B to have fun trying not to get blown up by...
I would play legit had that been an option but that structure is hella too big to make legit. Now what's "Not fun" is taking like 2 months getting...
Hollow Crown <3
[IMG] Hows that for a big project? I intend to make it a obstacle course utilizing mods such as ropes, trapdoors, portal gun, and such. But idk I...
Ughhh... I've been bored of minecraft atm. The only time I have fun is if I install content-expanding mods to my ssp. I have over 25 mods and...
I got it for 600 on a deal week. :D and yes I do happen to believe it is worth the msp. I still play it every once in awhile these days. You will...
Wow this looks really good. 2nd Screenie is what drew my attention. I would as well bump up the respawns for Power weapons, but this really...
Poopstain is available should I take it?
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god this looks ****ing amazing. Im dl'ing right now and see if I can test this soon. Im going to have a quick...
Sorry if I'm missing something incredibly obvious, but this map dosen't look very Suburban to me... Aside from that it looks like it has...
HOLY. ****. Played this with you a couple weeks ago and man, I had fun getting my face smashed in with giant golf balls and laughing all the...