White on black is better for contrast(#2). I would go with that one, who cares about what people joke about.
Nah, feel free to, I just edited it to be a bit better for myself until a newer version is available. For those wondering, I had ER1CO make the...
[IMG] Just made this in a bit of free time... @ER1CO, I used the techniques I told you about for this one, and as for the one in my sig, I just...
I see what the two have in common for sure, this one and the creeper one. I have to say, that panda is creepy, it looks like some sort of spirit...
hmm...Still not quite right, the lighting is just a bit too exclusive, and now the space to the right is completely empty. Maybe in the lighting...
My first thought when looking at this was that the lighting was off: his face is lit from the left, yet the light side is the right, which seemed...
Ha give me any sig from the past year by anyone and I probably will remember it, though further back it goes I might not instantly remember who...
Woah necrobump much? Honestly it is just way too bright, the background doesn't match and the figure is hard to see. The background is a stock I...
Hahaha they came with the stock actually... [spoiler]
[IMG] Meh, I don't really like this one much myself, made it on a particularly long and boring bus ride, and basically was trying to get the...
I use the term "Flow" to mean the visual movement within a signature, "How it flows" from one element to another smoothly, often achieved through...
I haven't played legends of dragoon for ages, but I still recognized that guy immediately, I borrowed it from a friend about 7 years ago, then...
BG= BackGround The reason I said it was not really clear is that without knowing the stock, it is hard to figure everything out, such as the fact...
I am sort of confused as to what I am seeing... The background is at a weird angle, so I have trouble figuring out what I'm seeing. The fire...
It's not so much that we don't like it as that there really is not anything to comment upon. Normally I would give off the standard list of flow,...
I have to agree with QKT here, you really didn't do much to this, so basically anything I say is basically just critique on the original image......
From my experience it is never good to use stark colours, but rather dulled colours, as they are easier on the eyes. This applies to black and...
Your link is not working, please check that you have uploaded it to a image hosting server and that the link is correct (many sites will provide...
[IMG] Thats the image he tried to post
Right click the little icon and hit open in new tab to see it. There is really little anyone can do about this; it is next to impossible to make...