I don't think i'll be able to do it in time. I still haven't played any games on that map, and i've got a few projects I need to work on that are...
I only voted for games I care about, and only two lost. Psychonauts lost to Halo 2, Half Life 2 lost to Portal. Which is understandable. Portal...
Who plays Halo anymore? All I play is Minecraft.
Reapply bro cha cho.
I watched the video on Metacafe, seeing as how the youtube version is blocked in Australia. Even excluding the oxymoron in the title that video...
You've obviously never heard of Apophenia.
I am against drinking, so don't expect me not to laugh at any serious injuries you sustain while drunk, or to make fun of you while you're drunk.
Clean out your keyboard.
Castle Crashers is good, but Worms 2: Armageddon is still my favourite xbla title, purely for the online matchmaking. Of course Magic: The...
Yeah, i'll try and get it ready. I've never even played that mini-game before, so i'd just be basing it off of what I read in the thread.
Osama Laden was found dead, who cares? Just another casualty of war. Talk about a slow news day.
"Look at Grif, he hasn't been to nearly as many concerts as me. I'm so cool." What a **** you are Randle. What-a-****-you-are.
I really need to play that game again with the commentary track on...... Or should I finish New Vegas, Arkham Asylum, or start Mirror's Edge and...
What is from Cracked? Edit: Listen to some pink noise Grif.
Wheat. We're turning it into flour.
1 year ago or 17, still an awesome film.
How long did they take you out when they were watching Pulp Fiction, lol. At least 20 minutes.
I know you had a sheltered upbringing, but come on... And come on Chuck, you couldn't have put above the spoiler tags "Portal 2 spoiler". ****!
The difference being no-one watches a WALKTHROUGH VIDEO and expects to not see the game being walked through.