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I don't think it contradicts what I said. The story of Portal was told well, using subtle hints from GLaDOS's lines, linking the lab to black...
It's more embarrassing that he didn't immediately start singing it with you.
This game will be $60 but it is substantially longer than the original. And yeah, it will have a story. The first one did as well.
I could never leave you and your delicious foods, Tusk.
This is the main part I take issue with. I can definitely appreciate the uniqueness of Portal's gameplay and its brilliant integration into its...
I'd rather that be somewhere other than Forge Hub. I hardly post in here anymore because there's hardly anything worthy of commenting on.
I'd like someone to explain to me what makes Portal so great. I've recently seen individuals and huge gaming sites praising the game beyond...
Infamous 2 will be awesome. All must play, including the original. YouTube - inFAMOUS 2 -- Quest for Power
We may never go back to the good old days of ThunderCougarFalconBird MLG.
I'm thinking 'Spics is a more common term. Never ever heard anyone say Messican.
En Garde! [img]
Judging by the nickname you just gave him, I'm expecting it to happen again soon.
New Game+
Hmm, hard to believe this thread is almost a year old. Only one week until it's birthday!
I agree with this, I was just clarifying that even though entertainment isn't the most important thing about a game for many people, for most it...