hey, just want to let you know that my name was changed from "Longshot619" to this one. :)
Alright, so i have been testing this 1v1/2v2 map iv created for some time now, and once i get a HD tv, i notice screen lag in a certain area. I...
...well idk if you got it, but i messed with it some more. http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n418/longshot619/Gallium2.jpg
...what?! how dare you sir. Actaully, the one you worked on in the collusium and didn't finish becasue of the lighting, i would like to finish...
well like others have said, i also think something should be added to the docks. it was very open, and the high ground had a good advantage. I...
well, i didnt want to co-forge with u anyways :P yea, so im drawing blank on how i should redue your banner lol i can make it smaller height wise...
lol thanks for the typo. i tend to do that a lot. did you notice my pun? :P alright, well that's cool, i understand. thanks for the comment...
Oh hey. Third notification from me to you lol I can finish up that map design when u get off work, show u, and we can co-forge... Just an idea :)
(if I could make an arrow pointing down on my iPod right now I would) what is that about? I'm being blamed for something -.-
Ok, so take out the slayer and 2v2. is there anything else you want added/taken away?
hey, do u want what gametypes it plays? cuz i can add the figures to it; like my designs for my maps. It then evens out what i have going on so...
well you could look at my "started threads" but oh well... http://www.forgehub.com/forum/mlg-maps/90674-rupture.html
Lol no I was joking around but that's cool. When I get on my computer I'll show u my awesome and original Rupture mapppppp
oh, i would like to see your H3 map you're bragging about sometime. i was on H3 for like 2 mins. today before everyone got on lol
:O you sir are awesome. Taking your time to send me a link to a remake of the pit that looks super sexy from the pictures. Lol um, yeah thanks.
Thanks. glad you enjoy it. Spawning works really well team based, but sadly when it comes to FFA, becasue of the size, spawning in an area next to...
Ok, yeah, I can use a pict of the center. I have it on my HDD, but I can't get it on my computer yet(I can really but to much work lol) Internet...
Yeah, no problem, I would love to. I know what colors you want, but what kind of picture for the background? I like to use photos and adjust the...
Alright, well i did reduce the gradient map filter from 65% to 30%. it shows it's true colors a lot more, but still brings out some blues and...