Now that its already started, if you get done with your invasion map, message me so I can get it broadcasted when its ready to be posted.
Ah but this is the best part! You don't have to use just hill markers, you can use raspawn points, capture plates, anything! So virtually you can...
k ill check it out tomorrow.
Hm? I already knew if thats what you meant. And this is actually something completely different. In fact its not even really a glitch. Its just me...
Avalanche 1-16 players Quote from featured map poll: Have you ever been sitting there, watching Raiders of the Lost Ark, and wondered what...
That was a fast update. Now I feel like those 2 rendered minutes I used for your last map wasn't put to its fullest. One mistake that I see most...
So I decided to play this with 6 people and not my TGIF lobby for the review because the thread description says the max players is 8. But...
Finally MetaWaddleDee has brought back Tetris! Oh how long I have been waiting for this moment... because Tetris IS my favorite mini game. I'm...
Oh yeah.... forgot about that rocket hog. Then yes, you will have to add ghosts and convert them to mongooses.
Yeah, its just easier to set that option to mongoose that way all vehicles are mongooses. You can also set it to warthogs and get all warthogs....
Holy crap I have to respond to this lol. Haha, It's cool someone thinks like me. Most of my maps are revamped ideas or just plain awesome...
Ooo a second version? I'm excited for this one. If you need any help forging it just send me a message =). If there is any way you could make it...
Nice idea! Although I think hollow is right, it could use a few extra decorations. But lets get to my the point.... I loved the video. The way you...
You know, you never really know if a game plays well or if its fun, unless you try it. At first when I saw this I turned it down just because it...
Good custom game lobby today you guys. Solid 16 players on some great maps I found and played some of mine. However, I wished it didnt switch host...
No. They must be able to free fall. For some stupid reason, bungie decided to make some items "settle" in forge once they stopped moving. For...
Oooooh, thats fancy! And yes, today I'm actually going to try to plan a custom game party between 3pm-7pm PST. Bring any of your friends, and you...
I'm glad this is getting attention Oakley (or rivalmass lol). It's kinda funny that I met you so long ago and yet you have come so far. This map...
You dont have to remove it. Everyone makes mistakes.
The concave ramp spits out 3 plasma batteries before both the 1st section and the 2nd section of the chamber is closed. And I just went into...