Well you know what they say... Once you go... something... you never... umm.... nevermind. Anyways, I'm glad you picked the map back up, it's...
Shrinking the scale could certainly work, maybe by like 20% ish, and I'm sure we could find ways to build it cheaper. But I think the basic layout...
Do you still have that Chicago map we were working on? I think I'd like to continue on that project again, interested?
I'm so happy to see this map stickied! I'm quite happy you updated the map. The changes you made definitely helped the map in terms of...
I want to have babies with Highlands, lol.
If you have spawn problems again, save the video and give it to Squids! Seeing any spawn issues will greatly help him improve the map in that...
Oh absolutely. I don't think mine would be finished anytime soon either way. Hopefully the idea for 3 flag catches on and becomes a thing here at...
The sniper rifle was located by the tree in the central atrium. It's leaning right up against it (and even has a spotlight lighting it up for...
Agreed. Also, I love the visual you created =P
Yeah that's the only thing I could think of as a solution as well. I've started one of the base structures for my 3 flag map, although it's...
I wish we could "like" comments on this site, because your comment in the trial run thread made me lol, literally. He seems to be a bit of a...
I like the idea of making it a BTB ish map. A smaller map based on invasion could be much more awkward. The doorways being blocked off until the...
It would be nice for one last Forge map to keep the community going longer, although Forgeworld is already so large and diverse, I'm not too sure...
Okay, I did a forge-through and I've come with some solid feedback! First off, the layout of the map is beautiful. You've done a great job taking...
I think this is the first original "must play" mini game on Reach. Congrats on the feature, it's very well deserved. Hopefully the author can...
I'm impressed by the layout, and the clean forging approach you took. Consider it DL'd, and I'll be back with some legit feedback after I get a...
The damage increase make automatic weapons more powerful against dmrs, which still have the same put down rate as they did before. I assume the...
I hear you're a rocket race ***** =P
Frame rate is the main issue, Ash55 actually made a similar version on forgeworld, but the frame rate killed it. It should still be in his file...
The map was built on Tempest because you won't find the same frame rate problems here that occurred on forgeworld. The map is just better for...