[IMG] Coned! was a co-forge effort between me and my friend BubbleWrapLlama Coned is a map designed for HeadHunter with a mega twist, the drop...
my favorite was the bus hold up lol.
Wello. You see that? Wello? I just made a new word for you. It's a mixture of welcome and hello. use it in your stay here at Forgehub, it's a...
So I am going to pre-order one of these games and I want to make sure I get the better, more popular game. Both of these look games look amazing...
oh i got it. I searched online and found that 1080i doesn't play well with the hd pvr so i changed it to 720p and it works fine. Thanks for the...
So i just got an hd pvr and I'm having trouble with the quality. When I record it has some very ugly lines in the video: [IMG] and also when I go...
dude...your avatar us the same as mine 0.0
i laughed at the similarity of our avatars
I told my little brother to check out this castle I made and this is what happened: YouTube - Minecraft Prank On My Little Brother.
I looked at your sig "Call the group Super Sexy Teens with big penises of Forgehub" and I realized, holy crap...I was in that conversation lol....
Keep on spinning: Get a 360 no scope (Snipe medal but with an arrow going in a clockwise circle)
Definitely looks cool from the pictures you have up. Looks like you used cover very effectively and the flow is probably very nice. I'll download...
[IMG] MLG TAKEDOWN is a close quarters symmetrical map designed for Mlg gametypes and optimized for 1v1s. I've been working on TAKEDOWN for...
cool cool. I got a warning from your website though, whats up with that?
oh i guess theres two of them lol but the only person i saw was rorak
So i was watching this series and in the first episode I noticed a name that Ive seen on the forums before. look at 1:45 YouTube - Last Man...
GT: Dinosaur Drugs • Red Dead Redemption • Borderlands • Crackdown
broken link please fix it
Im in the same room as the modem lol. I use an ethernet cable plugged directly into my xbox. I dont think its my computer since mine is far...
[IMG] thats my internet speed. I have a download speed of 4.00 Mb/s and upload of 0.17 Mb/s. the connection only seems to suck on my computer and...