A VERY clean track with a lot of interesting twists and turns which always require you to stay on top of your game. The more I look at it, the...
Loving the cataclysmic theme behind the map. Don't worry if it has been done before, as far as I care you took the idea and pushed it to the next...
Some sick aesthetic details. The first thing that I flew twards was the piano, and I gotta tell you -those keys did not even look like they were...
I've seen your work in the past, and gotta say that you have a unique geometric forging style. When most people hear the word Invasion, they...
One of the guys who runs Halo Reach Forges showed me this map the other day. I was impressed as hell. Not only is the craftsmanship smooth, what...
Hey, nicely done on the surface and interior! That's a big project to tackle and I'm sure it had it's deficulties. If I may give you any...
I would have to see the map itself
[IMG] Although you took some major larger piece short cuts on the hull, I am definitly happy that this ship was finally forged. Ship it self is...
One of the most impressing features of this aesthetic creations is the fact that instead of making a random number of columns, you kept it...
It was pretty cool checking this creation out in person with the individual behind its origin. The electronic theme to this version was...
Well I wouldn't say that it was completely effortless. The fact that 1x1 blocks blend together with distance (impostering) did not really help me....
So I am really considering driving ALL the way to Canada just to shake your hand! Hell of a job on the video my friend. So now just to make it...
Thank you. I know what you mean, and there are so many great minds creating playable maps out there. I have a ton of ideas, but I reserve them and...
"From the ashes and dust, a leader shall rise." [IMG] Cover edited by The Patriot 5 Commander Carter-A259 or also known as Sierra-259 was a part...
i loVe teh No0b cOmboz! actually with all seriousness i use the hell out of plasma overcharge in invasion.. Ya it's bs for the other guy, but it...
pretty accurate to what I saw in the picture. The diagonal beams could be done by railings, but those things eat up a LOT of budget. I remember...
It's not the ramps which are hidden, it's their physical boundaries. This theory could be used in a puzzle game.
We played this with 16 people most of which were forgehubbies, and this was a pure blast without a question. You would think that being a blocker...
After ages of farmer's hammer suppression, the moles have united with the support of small arms fire to turn the tide of war O_o love it! I...
Ammo concervation goes a long way back with the fight agains the "living dead" I won't comment on your original post, but I have to say that the...