Black Theorem got wrecked hard
Good maps.
Ask a moderator (a blue guy) to move it. Don't re-post it.
Pro Pipe. Whether I use it for EMPs or just shoot them with it dead on, it's always fun.
The only way that I could think of would be to somehow implement invasion into your map.
Unofficial Review by cart0graph Enjoyment Bulldogs! is an enjoyable mini-game that I play with my parties quite a bit. It's a really simple...
Unofficial Review by cart0graph Enjoyment This category is where mini-games need to shine in, and Stealing Your Flags certainly didn't...
Would you mind if I sent you a FR then?
Yeah sure bro. Maybe we could get a game on it some time.
I like the style of this map. The room-to-room combat looks to be real fun. I like how you used the wall corner things as a room divider. Its a...
Brilliant. I wish I could come up with games like these lol. Mini games take real effort to create and its a shame this received such little...
[IMG] Mmm
6 all the way
Good map, just played it. Although some people thought that the hogs should have been angled down a bit, I thought it was perfectly balanced. I'll...
Was that post really necessary?
Big bump, but I really need some people to help me test this tonight. If anyone is down, please send a FR to cluckinho10
Abridged by DrawTheLine
Just out of curiosity, how exactly is he connected with bungie?
You had the photobicket part right, but instead of linking it, choose the code under the picture that has the [img] code around it. Hope that helped
lol, we've never seen his map before. The idea originated in our heads and we weren't inspired by anything.