No no no no no. Mass Effect is a single player game. If they want to do something like that in a spin off after the Shepard trilogy then I'm all...
So Minority Report is a pretty good movie.
Yeah, me too. I thought it would be a decent enough movie just from the trailers, but then lowered my expectations after looking at some reviews....
YouTube - Tron Legacy - Soundtrack OST - 21 TRON Legacy (End Titles) - Daft Punk
We're all very giddy.
Yeah, no.
Xavier just doesn't like to enjoy things.
6 hours, no posts. Where has all the magic gone?
Downloaded 10 day free trial to check out all the changes since I stopped playing back in '08. I don't think this will end well...
Fawking Prawns.
Not sure what all the hubbub here is about. I think the past 5 or 6 episodes of The Office have been hilarious. Scrubs is a good show with a...
Lol'd at the pic, Grifston.
God dammit, I want to play this game. I stopped playing shortly after TBC, and I've heard that through WotLK, Cat, and all the updates that have...
The elbow method is actually more effective most of the time, but that's not what I would call high-five etiquette. That's more high-five tactics...
^ Try-hard ^ Edited by merge: \o Almost missed that one. Proper high-five etiquette is, as the name would suggest, quite high on my list...
Oblivion... The series is called The Elder Scrolls series and Oblivion is the fourth game in that series. The third game was called Morrowind,...
Looks like I'll have to give Oblivion a try this summer, especially after enjoying Fallout New Vegas so much after hating Fallout 3.
So my mom just got an iPad...
I don't see the complaint with mineral scanning on multiple playthroughs. I used it the first playthrough, and now I start the game with enough...
As a complete fanboy of the Mass Effect series, I can't lie, the combat in Mass Effect 1 is abysmal beyond excuse in terms of balancing and sheer...