YouTube - Call of Duty Black Ops: Zombie Bells (Ft. Black Ops Cast) This is the coolest christmas song from the Original Zombie Suriviors.
If your interested in a infection series. I got an old infection series called Zombie Horde, I've been working on many maps but never got them...
So your working on **** Zombies? Hmmm... I can't tell what you are saying about the random box, but I have a simplier method that would save you...
My Black Ops was broken today, so I went out and got the Prestige Edition For an Early Christmas Present. But weeks ago, My Uncle said that the 4...
If so; Add Lil Devil9597
Just wondering if you want to remake Damnation. I've been trying to remake this map. But, I've failed. I've been trying to get a Co-forger. No one...
Xforgery? I remember this, I think I still have that map on Halo 3. I think you should rename it, Fort Beta 2219 sounds like an infection map. I...
Undead Frontier is a Multi-game concept. Undead Frontier has 2 modes. Both very simular. A Campaign Version (A Dying Hope); where the humans push...
Finally, A Remake of Township! Thank-God. I found the 3rd map reminds me of Shi No Numa from World At War. I can't wait for these to release. Is...
Today, Crash Bandicoot celebrates its 14th Birthday. On Christmas Day, I will be buying a Playstation 1 and Crash Bandicoot to Bring Back my...
The Campaign Co-op In Matchmaking sucks. I just started on x45k Fr E Eze's account which he did not complete the campaign. So I start matchmaking,...
To help cure the Arguement between Halo vs. Call of Duty.
This arguement has been on youtube forever. No just youtube, across the world. I was in an arguement with 5 guys today about if Halo:Reach can Top...
REACH,REACH,REACH! No matter how much fun I've had playing Black Ops. Reach is teh Game of the Year! Red Dead I found fun. Assassains Creed BH I...
Wow, Look almost as good as the G-Sketch Up you had in mind. I'll be glad to test! GT: Lil Devil9597.
Sounds Interesting, Mind if I Join? I was trying to create a Zombie Campaign Split into Chapters. It was working well until there somehow got...
Toss me an Invite: Lil Devil9597... I worked with this before.
Im working on different versions. I think the Propane Tank works better. I'll post the new version tomorrow.
I went back to Halo 3 and the first thing I found was, MasterDeBayter's **** Zombie Map. I thought, What if I made a **** Zombie Map. What made me...
I was trying to keep it simple without explaining every single step because this is Inside Xbox. I don't like explaining 12 different steps to...