Actually, talking to this guy in person that was pretty much it... :P We've changed it since.
^^^^ Totally my idea, Mattiyahoo. :P Anyways, the overview picture for this map looks gorgeous, and after testing it I must say that I was pretty...
Drop Shield in objective is ridiculous as a starting ability. Everyone just spawns Drop Shields everywhere, making bullets useless. It's great as...
Wow, this looks really cool. The lazer is obviously a gimmick, but it really adds atmosphere to the map, especially when you're looking out the...
Hmmm. Well I'll likely be getting Bungie Pro for around Christmas. I don't have a capture card or anything, but I can upload all of the clips to...
Hey, I saw the video you made for Stevo's map and thought it was awesome. I was wondering if you could do the same with my map? There's a TG... : Halo Reach : File Details Sloppy DMR aside, I'm pretty proud that I didn't fall off the edge, and still managed to get the kill....
Oracle kicks ass for being the first map to use Falcons effectively.
Hey, could you help me out with making seperate spawns for seperate gametypes, my method doesn't seem to be working.
Lol, I remember testing this. It was pretty fun, although it seemed really random as to who won or lost since the grenades could bounce just about...
It fires Triceratops instead of Concussion Rifle blasts :3
I tried covering the blue base initially, but it didn't do a lot of good considering the angle looking up to red base. I think I'd have to...
Oh wow, it's this map. I can honestly say that this is the best map that I've yet to test, mostly because I love the urban backdrop and the...
Hey, let me know if you're testing my map tomorrow for TG. I'll see if I can dig up my mic, it's in my room somewhere. :P
I can't wait for this to be released, and then to check the forums and see people posting "NOT AS GOOD AS CE" and "CE WAS THE BEST" :P...
Why is there a green filter? Other than that it looks fun.
You could always make the cell door a pallet. :P Alternatively, you could give the Elites a communal cell, make the first phase super quick and...
After downloading this, I think the map's a great start. However, there's some things you need to fix. Firstly, fix your respawn points. At the...
Just have the Elites be attackers, Spartans be defenders, and place the Spartan's Core in the Elite Base. The only problem with this is that...
What an excellent map. Aesthetically it looks beautiful, refined and original, and it's one of the only maps where a filter enhances the...