lawl Either way, I'm hoping Sask will win... Stupid frenchies don't deserve it.
lol. Watch it be double overtime and the Riders lose.
Actually, yeah, you can pay in MSP... I just did... Also, this is ****ing awesome.
This thread belongs in either the Testers Guild forum or the Customs Lobby forum. You should repost it in one of those forums or ask a staff...
Medal Name: Asshole Medal Pic: A giant ass. Medal Description: Get a yoink
The argument that nobody was having until you started this thread? Also, just throwing this out there, most people judge a game on it's sales....
Halo: Reach Fable III Starcraft II If I see a Black Ops nomination, I'm raging.
That. Is. AWESOME! New Background here I come!
I have word from one guy who's dealing with the data for one of these Video Game Awards Sites that Halo: Reach is the favorite for game of the...
Pics or it didn't happen... Anyways, I finished a spartan skin for my guy last night... Check it, bitchezz
This happened to me once after I put roughly 12 hours into a map... Now I just always hit "Save as New Map" to help prevent it.
lol. You like my report on Meltyourtv's post?
You're never going to drop it, are you?
I troll the pointless trash talkers... Especially the ones that sound like they're 10 years old.
MW2 No troll.
Judging by the pictures this map looks amazing, but would play horribly. From what I saw it appears as if there are no distinguishable player...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure there were a few threads on here about this, too!
New Zealand ^ New Zealand
Wow! This is great! This is really what I was hoping to see. Someone is taking advantage of the customization of Firefight. And you made it a...