Not really that big a spoiler, but tagged anyway.[spoiler]
[IMG] That guy behind chuck is Crusher.
Did you notice how Chuck looks like Tony Stark's "mini me" in that picture?
I do not understand what he meant by that. Was he trying to say that the meat was "well done"? I'm so lost.
That's Captain Kangaroo to you, peasant.
Plus is a great shorthand, but Xavier or Scarecrow work just as well. Just call me whatever you used to call me.
Halloween is an opportunity for women to dress in a way that jump-starts date rapists.
He's for everyone of us Stands for everyone of us He saves with a mighty hand Every man every woman Every chill-he's a mighty- TSB [IMG]
Pretty great right?
Not a god idea. You sub out 1 "Permanent" perception level for 2 "Aid" perception levels. The difference is that you lose accuracy benefits,...
That is as creepy as I'm sure it is truthful.
I'm saying I want to meet a girl somewhere who is pretty, and isn't stupid enough to lose to a computer at a Turing test. If that place happens...
I can't believe some bastard stole my quote.
I could go to all the parties in the world and never find a girl I liked, so what's the point.
It's like, the supermarket sticky-taping an A4 page up with a picture of a pumpkin, and underneath the pumpkin it says "Spooky Savings". There...
You don't have diabetes? Congrats bro.
If you have diabetes, you know exactly how I feel about living in Australia during Halloween.
So Camo, I heard you've gotten back from a party. How did the night fare for you?
I missed all the good stuff by 4 hours, dammit.
Not too big on films that start with "the", but I plan on seeing the rest. Saw Up In The Air, The Social Network seems boring. More...